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How to Make a Powerpoint Slide About My Professional Achievements TUTORIAL

Creating a presentation nearly yourself may seem like a daunting job. Afterwards all, talking nearly yourself is a nerve-racking feel for fifty-fifty experienced speakers. Simply when you lot have the time to prepare and plan ahead, you can nail it.

MEA Portfolio PowerPoint template MEA Portfolio PowerPoint template MEA Portfolio PowerPoint template
If you lot've got to create a PowerPoint about yourself, MEA - Portfolio PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements is a skillful place to start.

In this article, nosotros'll discuss how to ready a practiced presentation about yourself. Nosotros'll cover tips for introducing yourself, preparing your who am I presentation, incorporating your accomplishments, and more. We'll too share tips and resource for designing your near me presentation in one case you're done planning information technology out.

Best PowerPoint Templates for an Near Me Presentation (With Unlimited Use)

A good place to find templates for PowerPoint presentation nearly yourself is Envato Elements. They've got a great offer you tin can take advantage of today: download as many presentation templates as you want for 1 low price.

Simple modern PowerPoint presentation designs on Envato Elements - with unlimited access Simple modern PowerPoint presentation designs on Envato Elements - with unlimited access Simple modern PowerPoint presentation designs on Envato Elements - with unlimited access
Business concern PowerPoint templates that are perfect for near me presentations on Envato Elements - with unlimited access.

For a caput get-go with designing your slides, check out the PPT templates on Envato Elements.

Get unlimited business PowerPoint templates with Envato Elements Get unlimited business PowerPoint templates with Envato Elements Get unlimited business PowerPoint templates with Envato Elements
Choose between thousands of about me presentation templates on Envato Elements to create a presentation nearly myself.

A subscription is keen if y'all demand a range of template designs for several most me presentations. Simply, if y'all need a single template for one-off use, then check out the affordable virtually me PowerPoint templates on GraphicRiver.

How to Prepare a Skilful Presentation About Yourself

With proper preparation and planning, you can easily create a great PowerPoint presentation almost yourself. Here's how:

1. Determine Which Information to Include in the Presentation

Company Profile PowerPoint Template Company Profile PowerPoint Template Company Profile PowerPoint Template
A presentation designed for a company profile, such equally this one from Envato Elements, tin easily be adjusted for a PowerPoint about yourself.

The starting time step in creating a presentation about yourself is to determine which information you want to include. While this may exist a presentation about you, that doesn't mean you lot demand to include your whole life story. But choose to include information that's relevant to the audience.

If you're giving a presentation about yourself in a business conference, focus on your skills and instruction. Explain how they're relevant to the topic. If you're giving a who am I presentation in a local community meetup, then it makes more sense to focus on your interest in the community.

2. Prepare & Design the All About Myself PowerPoint Presentation

Earlier you create the all about myself PowerPoint presentation, write the contents first. In one case y'all know which data to include, put information technology in bullet point format to brand it easier for your audition to follow.

Once you've prepared the content, start designing your about me presentation in PowerPoint. The easiest manner to pattern your presentation is with a premade PowerPoint template.

Agio PowerPoint Template Agio PowerPoint Template Agio PowerPoint Template
Agio PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements has lots of helpful slide layouts for creating an about me PPT.

3. Create Your Introduction

Your introduction will be the first thing your audience will hear. As such, your introduction slide about yourself needs to pique their interest and make y'all experience relatable. This will build trust with your audience. It'll as well assist y'all go along the audience engaged throughout the who am I presentation. Plus, it'll make you more memorable long subsequently the presentation is over.

A great way to kicking off the introduction is to tie yourself to the topic and then necktie the topic to the audience. Start by stating your name and job championship and and then share a random or a fun fact nearly you. And so, transition into the main part of your presentation nigh yourself.

4. Sell Yourself & Talk About Your Accomplishments

Ane of the hardest parts of your all almost myself presentation is selling yourself and talking about your accomplishments. An like shooting fish in a barrel way to do this is to highlight the results you've gotten for your clients. Accompany them with testimonials on your nearly me presentation slides.

You tin also share your accomplishments and skills past providing value first. Then, talk nearly how you got there earlier transitioning into the actual accomplishment list.

5. Adapt Your About Me Presentation for Dissimilar Lengths

Exist sure to tweak and adapt your presentation for different lengths. For example, a one-minute presentation well-nigh yourself is plenty to state your name and job title and share a relevant fact about yourself. A five-minute presentation allows you to include more data, such as your professional person achievements or your related piece of work.

It's a good idea to enquire about the length of fourth dimension you'll have available. Program your presentation for that time slot.

half dozen. Engage the Audience Before the Start

People in business meeting audience People in business meeting audience People in business meeting audience
Turn your audience into active participants. (Prototype source: Envato Elements)

Engage your audition earlier y'all start the all nearly myself PowerPoint presentation. You can do this past:

  • telling a story related to the presentation itself
  • sharing a statistic from your industry
  • mentioning a compelling quote
  • asking the audience to introduce themselves

This turns your audience into agile participants. They'll exist more probable to stay engaged throughout the most me professional presentation.

7. Give the Self Introduction Speech

Once you've introduced yourself and gotten your audience engaged, it'south time to give the self-introduction speech. During this office, make center contact with your audience. Keep the well-nigh me presentation informative without bragging.

Refer them back to the introduction slide about yourself or the handout for whatsoever extra information. This way yous can go on your about me professional presentation succinct. Proceed some relevant information for subsequently parts of the presentation. Revealing everything at once will make your presentation less interesting.

8. Blast the Conclusion

You lot've hooked your audience with a great introduction slide about yourself, you gave the talk and kept your audience engaged. Now is the time to smash the conclusion. Start by asking your audience if they've got whatsoever questions and encourage them to starting time the discussion.

One time you've answered their question, let them know what's the adjacent step and what they should practice. Be sure to include this information on the terminal slide also as on the handout.

9. Constitute a Personal Connexion With Your Audience

audience listening to a speaker in a meeting audience listening to a speaker in a meeting audience listening to a speaker in a meeting
A connected audience is an engaged audience. (Image source: Envato Elements)

A personal connection with your audition will make them trust yous more and remember you and your all about myself PowerPoint presentation. A few means to establish a personal connection include:

  • Sharing a few fun facts about yourself
  • Request your audience to share their proper noun
  • Using humor to break the ice
  • Maintaining centre contact throughout the presentation

10. Practice With a Friend

To make sure that your who am I presentation goes smoothly, practise it with a friend. Not simply will you be able to deliver your presentation without bad-mannered pauses, only your friend or coworker can give you valuable pointers.

Exercise your well-nigh me professional presentation well in accelerate to take enough of time to set up.

xi. Make Them Laugh

People laughing People laughing People laughing
 Adding humour to a presentation most yourself can make you more than relatable. (Image source: Envato Elements)

We've already mentioned using sense of humour to break the water ice and to establish a personal connectedness with your audience. Humor makes you more relatable and can make whatever topic more interesting. Use humor sparingly and tastefully, otherwise your jokes will miss the marker.

12. Go on Your Audience In Mind

Your about me presentation should exist tailored to your audition. For example, if you're delivering your presentation in a formal setting with a corporate audience, keep the tone professional.

Get familiar with your audience earlier you start preparing your presentation. This knowledge tin can serve every bit your guide. It'll help you decide which information you should include. Plus, y'all can determine what style and tone of vocalism to use. Understanding the audience is a must before including humor and cultural references in your all well-nigh myself PowerPoint presentation.

thirteen. Show Your Passion

Testify your passion. Everyone has a passion for something, whether it's your job, your hobby or a crusade you lot care about. When you show passion, people see you equally more than relatable. This helps form that personal connection and establishes trust, especially if they share your passion.

Think near how your passion relates to your professional person achievements as well. This can serve as an unusual but more memorable way to evangelize your presentation and talk nigh yourself.

xiv. Pay Attending to How the Presentation Looks

Marketplace Business Template Marketplace Business Template Marketplace Business Template
Using a professionally designed template such equally this one from Envato Elements can help you make the right impression with your audition and easily create a presentation about myself.

Using a professionally designed template such as this ane from Envato Elements tin help you make the correct impression with your audience.

Certain, the presentation is about yous. Only that doesn't mean that how it looks is unimportant. Y'all desire to make a good impression. The best way to exercise that is by using a professionally designed template such as those available from Envato Elements.

And then, if you oasis't already washed so, switch your information over to a professionally designed about me PowerPoint. You'll learn more near professionally designed templates in the next department.

How to Make an About Me Presentation With PowerPoint Quickly

Now that you know the basics of what should be included in your about me presentation, let's go through the steps of actually creating it. The easiest style to start is with a premium template. For this tutorial, I'll use the Amarish Powerpoint Template.

amarish powerpoint template amarish powerpoint template amarish powerpoint template
The Amarish PowerPoint Template is available on Envato Elements and tin serve as the ideal about me PowerPoint

It's a modern and clean pattern with 30 slides and v color variations for a thou total of 150+ slides.

ane. Make up one's mind on Your Slides

Delete a slide Delete a slide Delete a slide
Add together or delete whichever slides you lot need to create the ultimate About Me PowerPoint.

As mentioned earlier, the Amarish template comes with 30 slides, only chances are you won't need all of them. The get-go thing you should practise is delete unnecessary slides. Y'all can hands delete a slide past right-clicking on information technology and pressing Delete Slide .

2. Customize the Title Slide

Customizing the title slide Customizing the title slide Customizing the title slide
Customizing the title slide is essential and tin can serve as the introduction slide almost yourself.

In one case y'all've decided on the slides you desire to go on, take some time to customize the title slide. You lot'll want to include your name and a squeamish contour photograph of yous. To customize the text, double-click the title and then enter your name. To add together your photo, click on the picture icon and select a photo from your computer. Then, press Insert .

iii. Add Your Content

Adding content to your About Me presentation Adding content to your About Me presentation Adding content to your About Me presentation
Adding content to your Virtually Me presentation to create a stunning near me PPT.

The side by side step is to add together your content to the presentation. Similarly to the title slide, all y'all've got to do is double-click text, printing CTRL+A to select all of it, and so enter your text.

Equally you're entering the content, you can also customize the fonts used in the presentation about yourself. But select a different font from the drop-downwards menu.

4. Highlight Your Achievements With a Timeline Slide

Use a timeline to highlight your achievements Use a timeline to highlight your achievements Use a timeline to highlight your achievements
Utilise a timeline to highlight your achievements and to even potentially create an introduction slide about yourself.

Make sure to include a timeline slide to highlight your achievements. This is a great way to showcase of import dates and milestones in your career.

The Amarish template comes with a stunning timeline slide that's easy to customize. All you've got to do is edit the text and the years to match your milestones. If you lot wish, y'all can customize the color used to represent the milestone past selecting the circle and selecting Format Shape . Then, set up the Fill up option to your preferred color.

five. Customize the Mode

Customize the style and colors of your presentation Customize the style and colors of your presentation Customize the style and colors of your presentation
Customize the style and colors of your presentation

The terminal step is to customize the style of your presentation. The easiest way to do this is to alter out the colors used in your presentation about yourself. All you've got to practice is right-click on a colored shape and select the Format Shape option. And so, choose your preferred color for the Fill up color.

Or, click on the Design tab and so press the down arrow on the Variants tab and hover over Colors. Cull a different color theme to quickly modify colors throughout the presentation.

How to Showtime a Presentation About Yourself (5 Quick Design Tips)

Ane of the all-time means to get-go a presentation about yourself is to start with a premade presentation template designed for PowerPoint. The benefit of working with an almost me PowerPoint template is that you don't take to start from scratch. This ways yous'll exist able to create your almost me professional presentation much faster.

PowerPoint templates come with various slide designs that you can use to share information. Only customize the design with your text and your choice of colors and fonts.

Akhara PowerPoint Template Akhara PowerPoint Template Akhara PowerPoint Template
Akhara PowerPoint Template is one of many premade templates that you can use for an all about myself PowerPoint presentation.

Once you lot've got a PowerPoint template to use as a starting point, there are a few blueprint tips to continue in mind so you can create a good presentation about yourself:

ane. Keep Text Downwardly to a Minimum

Resist the temptation to include all the information on your slides. Not only will this overwhelm your audience, you also run the take a chance of your audition getting bored equally they've read what'due south on the slide and are now waiting for you to motility on to the next ane. Share the main idea on the slide and and so elaborate in your voice communication.

2. Increase the Font Size

Keep in listen that your about me professional presentation will well-nigh likely be viewed on a screen or a wall. And not everyone will have a seat that's front and center. So, you need to increment your font size to at least 28px then even those who are further away tin still read what's on the slide.

iii. Mind Your Photos

Porto Template Porto Template Porto Template
Crisp, clear images are an of import part of a PowerPoint about yourself.

Apply high-quality photos. You'll desire to make sure that your photos aren't blurry and are well-lit then anybody can see the subject of your photo.

4. Ensure There's Plenty of Dissimilarity

For best practices, make sure there's plenty dissimilarity between your slide groundwork and the text. Black text on white background works well and maintains legibility. This will ensure that everyone tin read the contents of your presentation.

5. Exist Careful With Colors

Be PowerPoint Presentation Template Be PowerPoint Presentation Template Be PowerPoint Presentation Template
When used right, colors tin can add wonderful accents to your presentation almost yourself.

Use colors that reflect your personal brand. Just don't get overboard as too much color will distract your audience. Utilise colour as an accent in headings or to add together a border around your page instead of as a full slide background.

5  Top PowerPoint Templates From Envato Elements - For 2022

If you're looking to brand a great PowerPoint presentation virtually yourself, an about me PowerPoint template is the all-time way to get started. Look at some of the all-time PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. Use these to make a very skillful PowerPoint presentation near yourself:

1. Way Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Style Multipurpose PowerPoint Template Style Multipurpose PowerPoint Template Style Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

The Fashion PowerPoint template has a versatile design that can be used for any type of presentation. It comes with image placeholders for piece of cake editing and 4000 total slides. So, y'all can include all the relevant information in your presentation.

It was designed in widescreen resolution. The template also comes with 2 color schemes, subtle animations, and custom icons.

2. Muli Minimalist PowerPoint Template

Muli Minimalist PowerPoint Template Muli Minimalist PowerPoint Template Muli Minimalist PowerPoint Template

The Muli template has a minimal yet creative blueprint. It would work well for freelancers in the creative industry and anyone who wants to prove off their portfolio. The template was designed in widescreen resolution. Information technology includes xc unique slides and image placeholders.

3. Karmel Stylish PowerPoint Template

Karmel Stylish PowerPoint Template Karmel Stylish PowerPoint Template Karmel Stylish PowerPoint Template

If you're looking for a fashionable PowerPoint template, the Karmel template could be perfect for you. It's got elegant and modern typography and prototype placeholders for easy editing. The template includes more 50 unique slides and was designed in widescreen resolution.

iv. Rockstar Bold PowerPoint Template

Rockstar Bold PowerPoint Template Rockstar Bold PowerPoint Template Rockstar Bold PowerPoint Template

Try the Rockstar PowerPoint template if y'all're looking for a bold and edgy design. The template comes with more 150 unique slides designed in widescreen resolution. Y'all'll also find epitome placeholders, 5 color variations, and editable graphic elements.

v. Retro PowerPoint Template

Retro PowerPoint Template Retro PowerPoint Template Retro PowerPoint Template

The Retro PowerPoint template has a simple but attractive pattern. It comes with xxx slides in total with image placeholders. The template was designed in widescreen resolution. It's got enough of custom elements to make your presentation about yourself even more memorable.

Discover More than Amazing PowerPoint Templates

The templates linked above are just a small selection of what's available on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. To encounter fifty-fifty more than astonishing PowerPoint template design, take a look at these articles:

Common PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

If you're thinking well-nigh using PowerPoint for your presentation, you probably have a lot of questions. Here, we've gathered up some of the most common questions people ask about Microsoft PowerPoint to provide you with some answers:

ane. Can I Use Microsoft PowerPoint For Free?

The only manner to use PowerPoint used to be by buying a subscription to Microsoft Office. You tin can use Microsoft PowerPoint for costless through the online app. Keep in heed that you lot won't accept all the features every bit you would with the desktop version. Simply if all you need is basic functionality, information technology'll come in handy.

2. Can I Add Charts To Microsoft PowerPoint?

Adding charts to Microsoft PowerPoint is easy and allows y'all to present your data in a visually appealing way. We've got a detailed tutorial that shows you how to brand cracking charts in PowerPoint:

3. Tin can I Edit The Layouts Hands?

Premium Microsoft PowerPoint templates come with pre-congenital slide layouts that make creating a dandy presentation easy. But yous're not limited to those layouts. Easily manipulate them and edit them to your liking. Nosotros've got a tutorial that walks you through the process:

4. How Practice I Learn PowerPoint Apace?

PowerPoint is a powerful programme with lots of features. This tin can be somewhat of an obstacle if you demand to learn PowerPoint rapidly and make a presentation. Getting familiar with the basics is the best mode to speed up the process and acquire PowerPoint quickly:

5. How Do I Make My Text More Appealing in PowerPoint

Working with text in PowerPoint is pretty straightforward. There are enough of features hidden in PowerPoint that can help you lot make your text stand out more. From customizing how your text looks to using shapes to add together subtle color backdrops and shadows, at that place are many ways to highlight text in PowerPoint:

Learn More Nigh Using PowerPoint

Now you know how to brand a who am I presentation about yourself. You lot've seen how you can easily create one with the help of a template, information technology's time to learn more than about using PowerPoint. Knowing how to use PowerPoint will help you pattern your presentation faster. We've got plenty of tutorials to help you lot along.

From learning how to make a good presentation design fifty-fifty improve to using PowerPoint to make a great business concern presentation, there'south plenty to learn when it comes to PowerPoint:

Don't Miss Our Free Online Presentation Guide

The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations

Before we get started with our tutorial, do you lot want to learn even more about presentations? We've got the resource for you! We'll take you through the complete procedure to get yous ready for your next about me presentation in PPT—from beginning to finish.

Don't miss our free online presentation guide, The Complete Guide to Making Swell Business organization Presentations . It'south brimming full of powerful presentation communication to help you make your next presentation about yourself your best yet.

If you're preparing an about me presentation in PPT, yous want it to be the best it tin can be. Read on for some self-presentation ideas.

Get Started On Your PowerPoint Presentation Nearly Yourself Today

Creating a very good and engaging presentation about yourself can be daunting. But once yous know what to include and put in place basic pattern principles along with a premade template, this task becomes easier.

With the tips shared in this tutorial, you lot'll create a presentation about yourself that your audition enjoys. The only thing left to do now is to notice the perfect PowerPoint template for the job.

Get started with 1 of our premium PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. Yous'll get access to unlimited templates for 1 low monthly fee.

Or, if y'all adopt downloading templates and other pattern assets on an private basis, head to GraphicRiver. Choose from many cute PowerPoint templates.

Editorial Notation: This post has been updated with contributions from Brenda Barron . Brenda is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.


How to Make a Powerpoint Slide About My Professional Achievements TUTORIAL

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